is a wonderful experience and Western Australia is blessed with some of the
darkest and clearest skies in the world, so why wouldn’t you get out there and
explore the cosmos! To guarantee you get
the best views possible, we’ve put together the ‘Must Haves’ for your cosmic
tool box!
1. Good Quality Eyepieces
your telescope will come with a basic set of eyepieces, however a good quality
low-power and high-power eyepiece are a great start for your tool kit. We recommend a 10mm, giving more
magnification, therefore enhanced detail for the Moon and planets and a 20mm
providing a lower magnification.
2. Moon Filters
Moon is a favourite stargazing target however its brightness can be glaring through
the eyepiece, degrading detail in the image.
Eyepiece filters can overcome this, such as neutral-density and
polarizing filters. Coloured, glass
coated filters are also very effective and can greatly enhance details on the
lunar surface.
3. Barlow Lens
The Barlow
Lens is a great, cost-effective addition to your tool kit, boosting
magnification and extending the focal length, helping telescopes reach their
maximum useable power. This lens will essentially
double the number of eyepieces at your disposal.
4. A Telrad
Telrad is a definite ‘must have’ accessory if you’re having trouble using your
finder scope! It is an easy and
accurate finder scope and easy to use. They
are simple to attach to your telescope and with the illuminated red light
target ring, night sky objects are easy to lock onto.
5. Red Light Torch
out under a dark sky, your eyes become used to the darkness, this is what’s
called your night-time vision! Red light
doesn’t affect your night- time vision and is a handy tool while stargazing. There are many red-light torch options
6. Planisphere or Astronomy App
this world of technical devices and gadgetry, it makes sense to utilise the
gizmos designed to make stargazing fun and easy. Whiz-bang phone apps are excellent with loads
of great information, but if you are way out with no phone reception, the good
old planisphere will do the trick and help you quickly become familiar with the
night sky.
7. Binoculars
are great to add to your stargazing kit as they are simple to use and provide a
different perspective of the night sky.
Especially good to look at objects such as star clusters as they provide
a wider field of view. Cruising the Milky Way has never been so easy!
8. Dew Shield
types of telescopes like a Smidt Cassegrain need a dew shield which is a simple
but effective way of keeping your scope from fogging up. It can be very frustrating after getting all
set up, only to find objects becoming dim and hazy. A dew shield keeps you out under the stars,
well into the night. This link shows you
how to make your own.
9. Australian Astronomy Almanac
This is our all-time favourite book. It has everything you need to know about the night sky for the year. From what's up in the night sky to meteor showers, eclipses, star charts, lots of topical astronomy info plus the rising and setting times for the Sun and Moon. This book gives you a diary, months in advance so you can really plan out your stargazing adventures.
Want to learn a little more about eyepieces?
Check out our latest blog and learn more about how eyepieces function and what the perfect eyepiece is!