A nebula is a gaseous region in space where new stars are born. In these regions, forces of gravity cause hydrogen and helium gas to increase in density. As the density of the gases increases the force of gravity attracts even more matter. When it gets large enough the pressure causes fusion to begin and atoms slam together. There you have it – a star is born!

However, new stars aren’t formed overnight! It takes hundreds of thousands or millions of years! When you look at nebulae such as Orion and Rosette through a telescope, you’re taking a peek at the newest stars around!

The spectacular Rosette Nebula taken by local WA astrophotographer, Mike Whait.

Mike is one of the Stargazers Club WA team and can teach you how to get started in deep sky astrophotography.

It’s a mighty challenge to take on and takes a lot of time and practice. The rewards are out of this world!


One small thing!

A planetary nebula is not the same. In fact, this is something that happens at the end of a star’s life. A planetary nebula is the gas ejected from a red giant star at the end of its life. No new stars here!

How do I start learning astronomy?

Begin is with us at Stargazers Club WA! Friendly, welcoming and an easy way to launch an astronomical hobby!

We look forward to welcoming you to our friendly community of Stargazers & Astronomy Lovers where we thrive on making learning about the galaxy easy & fun!

Carol Redford - Founder Stargazers Club WA


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