One of the best times for stargazing throughout the year is coming up!  Springtime Stargazing means the weather is warming up, the wildflowers are in bloom and it’s the perfect time to get out and enjoy some extra-special stargazing.  Here in Western Australia, we have some of the darkest and pristine nights skies in the world so our view of the stars is breath-taking. 

Here are out top stargazing picks for Spring.           

Here are our top picks for significant launches about to blast-off in the final months of 2021.

2. Venus, the Moon and Spica – 10th September

Dazzling Venus is always a favourite planet to see in the night sky, and when joined by the crescent Moon it will be a wonderful sight. Looking to the north-west at sunset, the cosmic duo will be joined by bright Spica to make it extra-special.

Shooting Star Bullet Point

6. The Taurids Meteor Showers

The Southern & Northern Taurids Meteor Showers are two radiants associated with Comet 2P/Encke and are bright, slow moving meteors, making them easy to spot. They peak on the 10th October and 12th November. Seen from late evening to early morning, they have been known to produce colourful fireballs.

Have more questions about space?

Join out Stargazing and Astronomy in Western Australia Facebook group and post your questions in there. We’ll get back to you with an answer!